Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Rules

Alright everyone, here are the rules.  Don't worry, the rules can (and should) be amended as necessary.  This is just what we've come up with so far:

1.  DC Dinner Club will meet every other Thursday.
2.  For now, all restaurants must be metro accessible and in the District.
3.  Couple A (that's Chris and Maeve this time) will pick the restaurant.
4.  Couple B (that's Cardon and Whitney, I believe, this time) will pick the attire.
5.  Couple C (that's Blake and Rachel this time) will write a review and (hopefully) post a picture.
6.  If you're planning to attend the dinner, post a comment so that Couple A can make a reservation if necessary.
7.  Assignments will rotate month to month.
8.  Let them eat....everything....

See you on July 1st!