Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Yogi Berry

After swearing up and down (and walking up and down) that Cold Stone actually exists in close proximity to the Uptown, I admitted defeat.  Not the type of defeat meaning a lack of dessert, but just a concession to frozen yogurt.

Turns out it was equally as pleasing as ice cream would have been.  Other than the weird smell that lingered in Yogi Berry (I didn't smell it, but I'm taking the words of my fellow restauranteurs), it was a great place to grab a cold after-dinner bite.

The consensus was that the cookies and cream yogurt was great, as were the taro and chocolate.  And, aside from the ghost-fruit that Matt got on his yogurt, the toppings were all top-notch, too.  You've gotta admit, though, what could you really expect from a topping that looks like a Super Mario monster?

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